Atif Aslam Dholna Coke Studio Full HD

So , Guys finally it has been released officially by Coke Studio .
 Atif Aslam's New Song at Coke Studio Season 5 " Dholna ".

Some Words by Atif Aslam regarding Dholna :

Atif Aslam Picture from the Sets of Coke Studio 2012
Dholna was basically very close to me. It tells about my journey , It tells how you love someone and when you are not able to  get that person .You start finding God , and when You Find the God , God is so happy from you , Then that person comes to you automatically , but at that time you dont need that person because  You have left that person behind , At that time the energy you have is priceless and you no longer need that Person.
Atif Aslam Picture Singing Dholna Coke Studio 2012

Atif also adds later that , This song Dholna was usually a part of my next upcoming album but then I thought it should be sung at Coke Studio.

- We all wish that this song becomes a Hit , and the Magic of Atif's Voice spread all over the Country.
Atif Aslam will be singing one more song at Coke Studio 2012 , So be tuned for that song.

Download : Atif Aslam's Dholna in Mp3 for Free

Below is the HD Video of Dholna Atif Aslam Coke Studio 2012 Pakistan.

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